ProFTPD in opensolaris

"Highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software", but in opensolaris the provided package from blastwave lacks in support of postgresql connectivity.

So, the solution is to download the tar.gz from here and compile it.

Here we go :

root@freya:~/work/proftpd# ls
root@freya:~/work/proftpd# tar -xvf proftpd-1.3.2.tar.gz

After unpacking type in the proftpd dir:

--enable-dso --with-modules=mod_tls
--with-includes=/usr/postgres/8.3/include/ --with-libraries=/usr/postgres/8.3/lib/

!!!!! the order of shared modules is important, mod_sql, must be in front of mod_sql_postgres, or else your proftpd server will not start !!!!

If everything is ok, run make & make install

This will install proftpd in /usr/proftpd-1.3.2 dir (you can change the prefix)

Also, in order to have postgresql connectivity from proftpd, you need to have postgresql installed(at least the include and libs files in your system) (read more about this topic here, and do not forget to add in proftpd.conf file the following lines:

LoadModule mod_sql.c
LoadModule mod_sql_postgres.c
LoadModule mod_quotatab.c
LoadModule mod_quotatab_sql.c

To configure proftpd to work with postgresql and how to make the db tables, read the proftpd manual :)

In the next post i will write about proftpd manifest on opensolaris and howto make IPS for proftpd.


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